Chiropractor in Springfield IL Talks About Headaches

Chiropractor in Springfield IL Talks About Headaches

Chiropractor Talks About Headaches

A common issue many people deal with is headaches. These headaches range from recurring to being a one-time occurrence and can bring on mild to severe head pain. Headaches can disrupt concentration or even force you to lay in a dark room in search of relief. Thankfully, the Springfield IL chiropractic team at Living Well Chiropractic  can relieve your pain in more cases and help you get back to living your life.

Common Triggers

Along with the variety of headaches, there are also a variety of triggers that bring on the pain. The most common causes of headaches are bright lighting, loud noises, food, stress, changes in blood sugar, high blood pressure, chemical exposure, caffeine, neck tightness, or vertebral misalignments. Incorrect posture, repetitive motions that affect the neck, and other physical events can lead to neck tension which is the most common cause of headaches.

Headache Prevention Tips in Springfield IL

Preventing these headaches is your best option, but a Springfield IL chiropractor can, fortunately, help with most headaches. Changing position every 30 minutes to an hour is recommended. Stretching your neck gently every 30 minutes is important when you are in a fixed position all day. Clenching your teeth should always be avoided. Many people are unaware that they are doing this, which is a common cause of headaches. If you are experiencing headaches after your workout, it is recommended to decrease your workload. Stick with an exercise that doesn’t give you headaches. It is also important to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated since dehydration is another common cause of headaches.

Spinal Manipulation Can Help

Chiropractors use spinal manipulation to align your spine which reduces stress on the spine. The cervical spine and your head are closely related, and spinal issues have been known to cause headaches. With a good track record, chiropractic care has been known to fix neck tension which results in the immediate cure of some headaches. Migraines are a less common and more complex headache; however, your chiropractor can still use specialized techniques to relieve symptoms. If prescription medication is not getting the job done and you want the possible permanent elimination of headaches, feel free to contact our chiropractic team at Living Well Chiropractic today for a consultation.


7:30am - 10:15am
2:30pm - 5:45pm

2:30pm - 5:45pm

7:30am - 10:15am
2:30pm - 5:45pm

7:30am - 10:15am


Saturday & Sunday

Living Well Chiropractic

2746 S 6th St
Springfield, IL 62703

(217) 679-1185